User's Manual

Welcome! This is the complete reference for the MTX markup format. If you are a new user, read the Basic Concepts section as an interactive tutorial. You may also want to review the Five Minute Guide to MTX for a quick overview. If you are already using MTX, explore the Advanced Features section for new ideas on how to make your Web pages more effective.
MTX was developed by Richard Rathe, MD, Director of the Office of Medical Informatics for the College of Medicine at the University of Florida. The MTX format, documentation, and tools are Copyright 1995 and 1996 by the University of Florida. MTX is available without charge for non-commercial use at All copyright and authorship notices must remain in place.
Edited on March 5, 1996 / Updated on March 5, 1996
MTX 1.3 User's Manual / Copyright 1996 by the University of Florida
Contact: Richard Rathe /